
Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Blog


Chicago car accident lawyers caution motorists to monitor complaint history of their insurance companies

The State of Missouri has barred a Chicago auto insurance company from doing business with motorists in that state, after the company was accused of unfairly denying claims, offering unreasonably low settlement offers and failing to respond to or properly investigate claims filed by policy holders in a timely manner.…


Chicago car accident lawyers examine impact of distracted driving as part of Summer Safe Driving series

More than 1.5 million people will get into a car accident this year because of driver distraction, according to federal statistics. That’s more than 4,300 crashes a day! The Chicago car accident attorneys at Abels & Annes, handle cases often where someone was injured or killed by a distracted driver.…


Chicago truck driver faces charges, lawsuit from fatal trucking accident

A Chicago truck driving faces vehicular homicide charges and a wrongful death lawsuit for a Pennsylvania trucking accident that killed a woman last fall. The family is also suing Vidov Trucking of Indiana. Pennsylvania state police charged the truck driver this week. Authorities say his container truck was too high…


Chicago hit-and-run pedestrian accident caught on video

In Chicago, Illinois a pedestrian being struck by a hit and run driver has been caught on tape, according to NBC News. The car vs. pedestrian accident happened May 14th at Kedzie and Montrose Avenue. The Chicago Police Department made the video public with the hope of catching the offender.…


Chicago car accident lawyers examine dangers of aggressive driving as part of summer safe driving series

More than half of deadly car accidents potentially involve one or more unsafe driving behaviors typically associated with aggressive driving, according to a 2009 update on aggressive driving provided by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. When many drivers think of aggressive drivers, they likely think of crazed guys shaking…

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