The Chicago injury attorneys at Abels & Annes would like to inform you that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers comprehensive resources aimed at increasing pedestrian safety and reducing the number of serious and fatal pedestrian accidents.
As we reported recently on our Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer blog, the spring and summer months are among the most dangerous times for serious and fatal Chicago pedestrian accidents.In 2008, a total of 135 people were killed in fatal Illinois pedestrian accidents, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Tips for pedestrian safety include:
-Visibility: Wear bright colored clothing, particularly at night. Reflective material is recommended and cyclists should use front and rear lights, as well as reflectors, to avoid a serious or fatal Chicago bicycle accident.
-Obey traffic signs and signals: Traffic signs, speed limits and signals are installed for the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Often speeds are reduced or additional warning signs are installed in accident-prone areas. Remain aware of your surroundings and always follow the advice of traffic signs.
Avoid Impairment: Drunk driving accidents and impaired cyclists or pedestrians are responsible for a large number of accidents. Avoid traveling while impaired, call a cab, or utilize a designated driver.
Don’t rely on a green light: While a green light or crossing signal may mean you have the right-of-way, it will be little consultation in the event you are struck by a passing motorist who ignores the signals. Look left-right-left before stepping off the curb. Look left first and last because the first lane of traffic will be coming from the left.
Crosswalks are not bulletproof: Always wait for signals and, again, look left-right-left before proceeding into a crosswalk.
A driver sees you: Just because you see a driver, do not assume the driver sees you. Make sure a motorist stops before proceeding across a traffic lane.
White at night no White Knight: White clothing is not enough to protect you at night. Wear reflective clothing and carry a light.